TE summary Jun 17th '17 Storm clouds and silver linings-How to turn a chaotic election result into a better Brexit

Storm clouds and silver linings
How to turn a chaotic election result into a better Brexit
Britain's hung parliament presents an opportunity to change the course of exit negotiation
Print edition, Leaders, Jun 17th, 2017

1. The June 8th snap election, Mrs. May called two months ago caused another chaos rumbling on unabated.

2. The electoral result may give a chance to change current negotiating terms with European, but with what to replace May's rejected "hard Brexit" is now questionable.

(Supplementary article) Chaos-on-Thames_British politics staggers from crisis to crisis

Words and expressions
1. snap election: an election that the ruler or party which is in power calls before the regularly scheduled election time, in order to serve a political purpose
2. hung parliament: no single political party (or bloc of allied parties) has an absolute majority of seats in the parliament (legislature).
3. thumping: of an impressive size, extent, or amount
4. fringe: not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme
5. if and when: in a future time (should it arise)
6. dictum: a formal pronouncement from an authoritative source.
7. Insipid: lacking flavor
8. swing: shift or cause to shift from one opinion, mood or state of affairs to another
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