[TE Summary] Jun 8th 2017 The United States - The FBI - Loyalty Schemes
The United States
The Loyalty Scheme
Evidence from a former FBI boss-and a candidate to replace him
The Loyalty Scheme
Evidence from a former FBI boss-and a candidate to replace him
changed(revised) to
Comey again
Evidence from a former FBI boss
And a candidate to replace him
Print edition, United States, Jun 8th, 2017
1. A written statement from Mr. Comey released a very explosive preview revealing the fact that he was invited to the private dinner at the White House and requested a loyalty by Trump on the very day Sally Yates, then the acting attorney general, had told the White House, that Michael Flynn, the the national-security adviser, vulnerability to Russian blackmail and an interview by FBI.
2. In two phone conversation after he got the boot, the investigation on Russian meddling in election was described as "cloud" which should be lifted and Trump emphasized that he had been very loyal to Mr. Comey.
3. In extraordinarily sensitive context, the statement underlined that Mr. Comey's replacement announced by Mr. Trump is a bid to distract attention from the hearing.
4. Based on the career such as working in the DOJ during the fall-out from the Sep 11th attacks, involving in the prosecution of Enron executives, working for the same law firm with Ms. Yates, Mr. Wray is a more palatable candidate free from accusation that the bureau was in danger of being suborned.
5. Some elements should also be scrutinize such as association with New Jersey's governor and Robert Muller, a previous FBI boss, appointed as a special counsel.
6. Another detail from Comey's recollection is notable that Jeffry Session, the Attonery-general did not reply Comey's request to prevent any future direct communication.
Words and expressions
1. ominously: in a way that suggest something bad would happen
2. anticipated: regard as probable, expect, or predict
3. get the boot: be dismissed from one's job
4. admonish: warn or reprimand someone firmly
5. febrile: having or showing the symptoms of a fever
6. palatable: (of food or drink) pleasant to taste
7. suborn: Bribe or otherwise induce (someone) to commit an unlawful act such as perjury
8. perjury: The offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation
9. recollection: the action or faculty of remembering something
10. excruciating: intensely painful
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