[Article Selection] EOE060 Sat, 15th Sep. 2018

[Article Selection] EOE060 15th Sep. 2018

 1. orignal content's link: https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/09/eoe060-selected-articles-temporary.html
 2. original date and time: 12:11AM 11th Sep. 2018
 3. type:  EoE Article Selection
 4. title: Traditional vs. Newcomers
 5. last updated:  12:11AM 11th Sep. 2018
 6. author: James JO

0. Picker's talk
o It's a warming up session reminding ourselves how to discuss. This week, we'll compare long-existing, traditional business, especially the financial industry, and new type, emerging business models, such as fintech and IT firms. The scope of talk for this session could be flexible as it's been a while since we last conducted "the debate" the way we used to.

- The entire copy: https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/09/eoe060-selected-articles-temporary.html

The coffee cart’s view
Lehman ten years on: more has changed than meets the eye
But is the restructured financial sector safe?https://www.economist.com/briefing/2018/09/06/lehman-ten-years-on-more-has-changed-than-meets-the-eye
[translated for ref.] https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/09/translated-te-article-coffee-carts-view.html
[supplementary for ref.] https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/09/translated-te-article-has-finance-been.html
The Deciders 
How social-media platforms dispense justice
Their armies of content moderators are expandinghttps://www.economist.com/business/2018/09/08/how-social-media-platforms-dispense-justice
[translated for your ref.] https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/09/translated-te-article-coffee-carts-view_13.html

Funding Circle, a British tech unicorn, plans an IPO
The peer-to-peer lender is part of a strong London financial-technology scene

* Translated articles are supplementary only and may contain typo and errors. You can have a look at them just for reference if you need, but please do not rely on it too much. Accuracy not guaranteed. Many thanks.

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