EoE Archive 024 - EOE024 Dec 17, 2016
EoE Archive 024 - EOE024 Dec 17, 2016
In the 24th session, 17th December 2016, EOE society talked about three articles below from The Economist, a British newspaper.
Below is the summary of what EoE discussed.
1. Schumpeter - Charles Koch is a rare thing, a businessman besotted with ideas - His theory of management, inspired by the Austrian school of economic thought, worked wonders at Koch Industries
Charles Koch, a business man, who got inspired by Austrian school of Economics, is the CEO of a US-based big oil company, Koch industries. He attributes the great success and rapid growth of the company to his management theory, MBM, which, he argues, has successfuly motivated employees to work harder and more efficiently than its competitors by promoting value-added incentives and delegating the authority to make decisions regarding business operation.
EoE discussed that MBM may be the key factor, as the article argues, but its success may also come from its business nature or position in the oil industry. However, the article did not contain information enough to make an accurate judgement. Further research efforts seemed necessary.
2. Fit at $50 - The oil industry is bouncing back after OPEC’s meeting - But it has many lessons to learn from Silicon Valley, other industries
Right after discussing the oil company, EoE shifted its debating focus to recent changes in the oil industry. Due to the rising in oil prices, many international oil firms who used to be reluctant to get into new exploration projects seemed ready to come back on the stage.
One of EoE members argued that the recent change in the industry could indicate the beginning of a new world economic order after the so-called "New Normal" era along with Feds' interest rate increase and looming economic policies to be promoted by US president-elect, Trump.
Further, EoE took a in-depth decomposing the content of the articles, especially, figures and facts stated in the article.
3. Solar cells - How clean is solar power? - A new paper may have the answer
The reason why this article was picked up to talk, was to have a look at the approach of the author of the article. The method to elaborate how the solar energy is clean was intellectually very interesting as well as stimulating. It measured the cleanness of the power by calculating how much carbon dioxide had been emitted by producing solar panel for the power.
Although, it was not really easy to grasp the mechanism, it was worth reading because EoE members can think of new approaches when it comes to producing reasonable basis for persuasive or informative speeches.
written by Benjamin James W.K. JO
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