[Article Selection] EOE064 - Gig, China vs EU, and Brazil

[Article Selection] EOE064 - Gig, China vs EU, and Brazil
Link: https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/10/article-selection-eoe064-gig-china-vs.html
Time: 18:30 - 20:30, Sat, 13th Oct. 2018
Place: https://eoesociety.blogspot.com/2018/09/location-notice-eoe.html

1. Workers on tap
How governments should deal with the rise of the gig economy
Watch it by all means, but welcome it

2. Geopolitics and investment
China has designs on Europe. Here is how Europe should respond
As Chinese investment pours into the European Union, the Europeans are beginning to worry

3. Buttonwood
Brazil is shaping up for a unique kind of financial crisis
Chronic governance failings mean it is in a battle with itself 
